WolframAlpha Introduces Expanded Personal Analytics for Facebook

The Word Cloud is just one exciting improvement from Wolfram|Alpha’s Personal Analytics for Facebook update. This feature shows the most common English words used in your wall posts.
Last month, WolframAlpha upgraded their Personal Analytics for Facebook for the very first time. Originally, the analytics let anyone perform personal analytics of their Facebook data and filter them into a report. These updates will provide users with much greater insight into the abundance of knowledge their Facebook data reveals. The WolframAlpha blog highlighted the biggest changes.
First, they’ve enhanced their color-coded Facebook visualization tool to highlight how various friends fit into the overall social network. They’ve assigned five different “network roles” that include social insiders, social outsiders, social neighbors, gateways, and social connectors. A certain color circle distinguishes each network role, and each friend is assigned a particular role. Then, these colorful circles of friends are placed on a graph and their network role can be revealed by mousing over each color-coded circle. This provides an instant visual read on distinct social groupings, as well as each person’s role in the social network.
In addition, the new version allows for a more refined breakdown of network roles by various properties. These include age, sex, relationship status, number of likes, and others that can be easily filtered by the desired parameters. This allows for further exploration and greater insight into the social network.
Since WolframAlpha already has extensive data regarding the real world, now they can integrate that data with any Facebook profile to reveal an abundance of miscellaneous details about a particular social network.
For those interested in how their Facebook profile has evolved, they’ve added a Facebook Historical Analytics feature that gathers information to create a summary of a social network’s evolution and then sends an email when there is sufficient data for a thorough historical analysis.
Lastly, WolframAlpha has also improved the general aesthetics of many prior features. The word cloud now sorts through Facebook postings to determine the most commonly used words and a weekly app pod now allows users to view the times they’re most active on specific apps.
For a deeper understanding into the inner workings and deeper meanings of a Facebook profile, a Personal Analytics for Facebook can be extremely valuable. Now, this insightful feature has more to offer and reveal than ever.
To learn more about integrating Facebook into your social media marketing strategy, contact MDG.
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Read more at WolframAlpha.com.