Winner of MDG’s Seventh Annual Scholarship Essay Contest: Meet Natalie Olsen

MDG recently held its seventh annual “Looking Beyond College” scholarship essay contest. Currently enrolled college students in the US were invited to enter MDG’s $1000 scholarship competition by submitting an essay that creatively described their dream job after college.
Natalie Olsen from the Utah State University Eastern was selected as our 2021 winner out of the hundreds of entries we received this year. Her creative and compelling essay about The Lilly Pad Project, a registered 501(c)3 she started, was unanimously chosen by MDG’s judges.
According to Natalie, “The MDG ‘Looking Beyond College’ scholarship will benefit me not only in paying college tuition; but will free up time to spend with my children and The Lilly Pad Project by spending less time at work. I am now a few steps closer to pursuing my dream of becoming a bereavement counselor. I want to be able to help people find the closure and peace that comes from talking about our loved ones and navigating our journey with grief. I feel this is another way I can help grieving families through The Lilly Pad Project. I am honored to be the recipient of this scholarship. Thank you, MDG, for this incredible opportunity and for helping me achieve my dreams.”
Congratulations, Natalie!
Discover the power of clear, concise, and creative writing. Contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit
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