Which Social Media Platform Is Liked by Social Users Most?

Nielsen’s recently released Social Media Report indicated that Facebook continues to dominate the media conversation on social media platforms. The report revealed the latest social TV data and highlighted the huge amount of time consumers are spending on social platforms, especially Facebook, which now makes up a major part of their total media time. The Drum posted more on why Facebook is clicking to such an extent with TV viewers.
The Social Buzz on TV
Nielsen Social found that a whopping 81% of engagement with TV related tweets came from audiences organically. Interestingly, Sunday was the busiest day of the week for social TV activity. According to the report, social TV activity was higher on Sundays than any other day during the week all throughout this past fall. And Facebook saw 43% of its TV-related talk for the week on Sundays. Females were especially fond of Facebook when it came to engaging about their favorite TV shows. In fact, 61% of Facebook’s TV-related user interactions came from its female user base.
Following far behind Facebook was Twitter, which saw the same Sunday social TV trend. In fact, 33% of Twitter’s weekly TV-centric comments came in from users on Sundays.
Multimedia Multitasking
With the ubiquity of multiple digital devices among people of all ages, one of the latest TV trends is engaging in multiple digital activities simultaneously while watching TV programs. And with smartphones and tablets literally at viewers’ fingertips, it’s not surprising that TV viewers are frequently on these mobile devices while tuning in to their favorite TV shows.
According to the Nielsen Social report, 30% of smartphone users would use their phones while tuning into TV, almost 20% would do the same several times a week. Meanwhile, 21% of tablet users said that they would use their tablets while watching TV several times a day, while 20% would be on their tablet in tandem with watching TV several times a week. And around 15% of both audiences would use their mobile devices while watching TV shows at least once a day.
And while TV watchers often reached for their digital devices, they also had particular preferences about the platforms they reached out on. TV viewers using their digital devices while watching programs chose to engage on Facebook much more than Twitter. The report showed that around 57% of people that used smartphones and tablets while watching TV had visited Facebook during the same time. This was more than twice as many smartphone and tablet users that visited Twitter while watching TV.
The TV Show Moments That Got Viewers Talking
Just like there are always a few hits of the TV season that attract large numbers of viewers, there are also a few memorable TV moments that get viewers talking on social media. The biggest drama series moment during the fall 2016 season occurred during the season premiere of “The Walking Dead” and earned 936,000 social TV interactions on Facebook and Twitter. The greatest reality TV moment appeared during “The Voice” with 667,000 social TV interactions occurring on the same platforms. And the top comedy moment in social TV was during a November episode of “Saturday Night Live” that recorded 92,000 social TV interactions.
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