Touching on Emotions is a Sign of the Times in Samsung TV Ad

Samsung is known for being in touch with technology, so when the company’s latest ad featured a touching display of compassion, it touched on the growing trend of companies using human emotions to sell their products. This poignant spot from Samsung revealed how a simple act of human kindness can leave a greater impression on audiences than slick spots for complex gadgets. posted the ad to show how even brands more accustomed to impressing than expressing can stir up emotions in their TV advertising to stir up sales.
In the ad, an entire Turkish town learned sign language to help their hearing-impaired neighbor feel more comfortable in their community. This gesture was a total surprise to the neighbor as it was gradually revealed to him throughout an average day.
The inspiration for this act of good will was its value as a good opportunity for Samsung Turkey to promote its new video call center for the hearing impaired.
That’s why Samsung’s advertising agency, Leo Burnett, teamed up with the man’s sister to organize the entire event and then capture each moving moment of the day to reveal on film. The production team spent a month placing cameras throughout the man’s neighborhood to ensure that they were able to secretly film the man going about a regular day.
So when each person that the man encountered used sign language to communicate with him, he soon realized that his community really cared about him and this act of kindness brought him to tears. But he hasn’t been the only one touched by this tenderness. The ad has brought out the same reaction in so many viewers that it has quickly gone viral.
This Samsung TV campaign is a prime example of how touching on emotions can be the ultimate way for brands to truly get in touch with consumers.
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