Target Builds Grocery Business with Unusual TV Advertising Campaign

Target is trying to make groceries glamorous with its new advertising campaign. The company kicked off the multi-million-dollar advertising campaign with four TV commercials during the Golden Globes, featuring models posing with common groceries as if they were designer accessories. The retail giant will continue this satirical slant of promoting its groceries as fashionable fare for the rest of the year. The Wall Street Journal reported on how Target is positioning its groceries as a symbol of good taste.
While Target had initially only sold packaged snacks and beverages, the company has focused on increasing its food offerings over the last few years. Now, 250 SuperTargets offer a complete range of groceries and 1,100 PFresh stores have been remodeled to include fresh foods such as meats, produce, and bakery goods. Industry analysts praise Target’s evolution and say that offering groceries is a smart strategy for driving store traffic and increasing customer purchase amounts.
The clever television campaign will promote Target’s recent efforts to convert many of its retail locations into full-service grocery stores. In addition to radio and TV advertising, the print ads will run in newspapers, and online ads as digital films.
“Target is beginning to extend its banner promise of chic to food,” said Thom Blischok, chief retail strategist for Booz & Co. “They’re making food shopping aspirational—in advertising I believe it is the first of its type.”
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