Relive All of 2012 in Three Minutes with Whirled’s Latest Google Zeitgeist Video

The end of each year brings views and reviews of its most memorable moments, but one of the best is always Google Zeitgeist. This anticipated list is different from others since it ranks the people, places, and particular topics by their number of searches on Google in various countries. Given the whims of our world and penchant for pop culture, the list is highly subjective and often ranks scandals of the day higher than major events. Another key difference is its video format, with this year’s once again created by the digital whizzes at Whirled. Translating 12 months of top world events into three minutes of video awe was no easy task, but the result is a highly engaging and visually fulfilling video worthy of being seen and shared. Tim Nudd at gave a peek at the production of this video masterpiece.
“It’s a whole lot of homework and research,” said Whirled founder and creative director, Scott Chan. “The process for me always starts on Jan. 1. I’m honestly thinking about how we can top ourselves without straying too far from the formula that people have grown to love over the years.”
This passion and focus even led Mr. Chan to purchase the most advanced video technology, which has been used to create some of the most spectacular and stunning videos today.
In late September, Whirled’s real work began. Their creative team collaborated closely with the Search team at Google to create a compelling compendium that would even surpass their outstanding 2011 Google Zeitgest video.
“We spend a solid couple of months reading, watching and cataloging to understand just what happened in the year so that we can figure out the story we want to tell,” explained Mr. Chan. “Then it’s just a matter of fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together to tell that story.”
To incorporate creative video into your digital marketing strategy, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit
MDG, a full-service advertising and digital marketing agency with offices in Boca Raton, Florida and New York City, specializes in developing targeted Internet marketing solutions, exceptional creative executions and solid branding and media buying strategies that give clients a competitive advantage. Our core capabilities include branding, logo design, creative, digital marketing, print advertising, direct mail marketing, media planning and buying, TV and radio, video development, website design and development, email marketing, mobile marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.