Political Campaigns Win Relevance with Digital Marketing

Today, digital marketing strategies are earning high approval ratings from political parties, PACs, and other political organizations for their huge potential to sway voters with relevant, targeted messages about candidates, campaigns, and causes. Digital political advertising and data-driven strategies are enabling campaigns to personalize, scale, and strengthen every part of their platform. This has led to its widespread political adoption, with Borrell Associates reporting $955 million in growth, which is up from $270 million two years ago and just $14 million in 2010. MediaPost.com provided in-depth coverage of the three digital advertising trends winning over political campaigns.
Tailoring Targeted Messages
The abundance of digital data and tools available is enabling campaigns to better tailor their messages based on the audience’s values to increase their voter base. Many campaigns are using voter registration data to target their ads and messages to reflect each voter’s political interests. Then, the campaigns are employing intelligent dynamic creative optimization to put the appropriate spin on their ads to get the desired response.
Beating Voter Ad Burnout with Sequencing
Voters can easily tire of repetitive political ads. But digital advances in viewability tracking and cross-device analysis can help campaigns reduce voter exhaustion. This technology allows campaigns to embed digital intelligence and frequency capping into their ad-serving strategies to better manage their ad sequencing. These efforts will be especially effective in maintaining the interest and respect of voters, which have become decisive factors in the past pair of elections.
Integrating Paid and Unpaid Advertising for Maximum Impact
Campaigns have traditionally relied on paid ads, but the popularity of social media has brought unlimited opportunities in unpaid advertising. This year’s political picture is already full of social media activities like YouTube videos, animated GIFs, and content intended to spark voter reaction and sharing on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This unpaid advertising has proven to be very effective at influencing voter decisions.
These three trends are expected to define the remainder of the 2016 election cycle for their power and potential to quickly win over voters.
Follow the latest trends in digital marketing. Contact MDG.
MDG, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, is one of Florida’s top branding firms. MDG’s capabilities include print advertising, direct mail marketing, branding, logo design, creative, media buying and planning, radio and TV advertising, outdoor, newspaper, digital marketing, website design and development, online video advertising, infographic development, email marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, paid search marketing, and SEO. To learn about the latest trends in advertising and branding, contact MDG.