Leveraging the power of local advertising to reach engaged audiences

Leveraging the power of local advertising to reach engaged audiences

As a brand when you are trying to build brand awareness and grow your client base, advertising that reaches an expansive audience is a logical choice, especially when there are numerous channels available to reach different audiences. Yet, as Billy Boulia, Director of Integrated Media at MDG Solutions, noted recently, “…there’s an often overlooked tool in reaching targeted, engaged audiences – local advertising.” And, he’s very right; local advertising should be a consistent part of a well-rounded marketing strategy. Local advertising gives you the opportunity to connect with a hyper-targeted audience and deliver hyper-relevant, impactful content that converts. It’s a great way to boost your advertising outcomes!

Go local: the benefits of local advertising

  • Connect with your audience on a more personal level – Most communities have localized cultures, shared physical spaces, and unique context that makes them a goldmine of information and distinct opportunities to drive connections. Highlighting these elements allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level by meeting them where they are and providing relevant information that is connected to them personally. It’s not the semblance of personalization that broad advertising and remarketing deliver, rather it’s a connection built on mutual understanding and shared experiences and spaces. That’s hard to beat in an impersonal world.

  • Cost-effective – Setting up local campaigns for clients, especially multi-location brands, can result in cost-effective advertising for a couple of reasons. First, you will be using different channels, such as radio, local newspapers, etc, that are not typically as expensive as other digital channels, like LinkedIn or Google ads. Second, because your content is highly relevant and your audience hyper-targeted, you will most likely start seeing higher engagement rates from local advertising, making it more cost-effective in the long run.

  • Hyper-targeted – Broad advertising, while targeted, is not nearly as targeted as local advertising. Hyper-targeted advertising allows you to deliver relevant and impactful content based on known needs, cultures, or interests. You make far fewer assumptions when you are dealing with a well-known audience, resulting in more effective advertising, and a very happy customer base.

  • Improved engagement – Local advertising can lead to better engagement as you already know that your audience needs or wants the services or products you are providing. You’ve done enough research to show that you and your local audience are connected, and you go out of your way to make your audience feel heard, giving them a strong reason to interact with your advertising campaigns.

  • Build strong brand ambassadors – These days, we all love the idea of supporting local businesses and organizations because it gives us a direct way to support the success of our community. Engaging your local community with local advertising can help you build strong brand ambassadors who believe in your mission and will champion your success locally and more broadly.

  • Authenticity – Local advertising forces you to be authentic in your approach as an organization. Customers value transparency and authenticity as it allows you to build trust and forge lasting connections. 


“As potentially cheesy as this sounds, in a world where digital dominates, there’s something inherently special about local connections. By embracing the local scene and becoming an integral part of a community fabric, businesses can unlock a wealth of opportunities for growth and success.” Billy Boulia, Director of Integrated Media.


The best ways to advertise locally

While it used to be that local advertising was the hot ticket, since eCommerce and social media have come to dominate the advertising arena, local advertising has taken a backseat. It’s not surprising then that most businesses need some guidance when it comes to building local campaigns. These are some of the best places to start: 

  • Local newspapers – Not every community has a local newspaper, but they are making a comeback for promoting events and highlighting local businesses and community leaders. Most local newspapers survive on advertisements, and it can be a great opportunity for your brand. Consider giving a special price incentive to community members for mentioning the ad or run a newspaper-only promo as a great way to drive traffic.  
  • Community events – Summer is the perfect time to start participating in or advertising at community events. If it is not in your budget, you can always opt out of a booth or high-tier participation and instead sponsor the event, provide door prizes, or pass out flyers, among many other options. The good thing is that no matter which avenue you choose, being visible at local events will build brand awareness and bring in new clients. 
  • Radio – Local radio or local podcasts can be a huge opportunity for local advertising, as lots of communities feel strongly about their radio personalities and are willing to listen to their recommendations. Most radio stations also do giveaways, ad spots, and more to promote local businesses, so it is always worth at least a small investment. 
  • In-office – Your office or physical space might just be the most local you can get. Make sure you are telling your community about your programs, services, promotions, discounts, changes, and anything else you deem important. They have already come into your space, you can make sure they keep coming back.