New LinkedIn Campaign Promotes Personal Picture of Professional Success

Since success stories are often the greatest inspiration and personal tales strike an emotional chord, LinkedIn has leveraged these proven marketing methods to create a digital campaign that’s both motivational and moving all at once. The video campaign is called Picture Yourself and it shares members’ personal paths toward professional success. The goal of the campaign is to show that the social network is more than a site to seek business connections, but actually a publishing platform to promote one’s accomplishments. featured this new LinkedIn digital campaign that’s making business more personal.
“As a professional, you have a very unique and sought after skill set, and you want to be publishing and sharing the work you’ve done,” said Sarah Acton, director of brand marketing at LinkedIn.
The video ad features a classroom of children sharing what they want to be when they grow up. Each child voices their dream in youthful terms as the screen is filled with images of their real-life adult counterparts living out those dreams through their careers. The stories include those of NASA aerospace engineer Kristina Rojdev, ESPN/BBC broadcaster Jeff Tarango, and underwater photographer Abi Smigel Mullens, among others.
The video campaign will be circulated on LinkedIn platforms, YouTube, Buzzfeed, and other publishing sites, as well as through the Sharethrough network.
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