Louis Vuitton Promotes Brand Legacy via Animated Video [Video]

Louis Vuitton has created a 60-second animated video called “All Aboard Games” to promote its classic board game case wrapped in the fashion house’s signature Damier checkerboard pattern. Chronicling how games have been an important part of human history, the video was debuted in the brand’s online magazine called “New, Now” and to its social media followers on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. LuxuryDaily.com explained how the video takes a contemporary approach to convey the brand’s classic style.
“Louis Vuitton wants to bring out the attitude that ‘we were here before, we are still here to stay and no one knows classic style the way we do,’” according to Josh Harcus, a digital brand strategist in North Carolina. “I think the strategy is to get the video to go viral among Louis Vuitton’s following.”
The video was designed to take viewers on a whimsical voyage inside the game case. It features a montage of classic board games with bright orange, yellow, and blue game pieces. Starting from the signature checkerboard background, the video showcases a series of games includes chess, roulette, blackjack, dominoes, and backgammon. Almost all of the game pieces and pawns feature the Louis Vuitton logo or blossom emblem. The video concludes with the closing of the checkerboard case.
The video is part of the label’s larger marketing strategy to promote its fabled history by educating consumers about its distinguished design heritage. The company also created an iPad app about its iconic luggage and trunks, filled with exclusive information such as private documents, videos, and legendary images. It’s almost ironic how the brand is highlighting it long-standing tradition by using social media.
“I think the goal was to generate more interest with the younger generation in the brand while getting the older generations to consider purchasing and investing in products for their children, because it is almost like passing down some of their heritage,” Mr. Harcus added. “But this video will be mainly shared among the younger generation, because they are more apt to sharing this kind of material, versus the older generations that may not have the complete understanding yet.”
To see how Louis Vuitton used today’s social media technology to promote their legendary brand, check out their video.
To learn how to add the power of social media marketing and video to your luxury marketing strategy, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797, or visit www.mdgsolutions.com.
MDG, a full-service Florida advertising firm with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, specializes in developing targeted Internet marketing solutions, exceptional creative executions and solid branding and media buying strategies that give luxury marketing clients a competitive advantage. Our core capabilities include branding, logo design, creative, digital marketing, print advertising, direct mail marketing, media planning and buying, TV and radio, video, Web design and development, email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.
Read more at Luxury Daily.com.