LinkedIn is 277% More Effective for Lead Generation than Facebook and Twitter recently conducted a study of more than 5,000 businesses about the impact of social media on lead generation. The results revealed that LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%. This was 277% higher than the conversion rates of both Facebook and Twitter, whose rates were 77% and 69%, respectively. offered the following advice on leveraging the lead-generating power of LinkedIn.
1. Take Every Opportunity to Include Lead Generation Content – Include regular lead generation posts into your social media strategy, yet be mindful to maintain a balance between content and calls-to-action. Remember that subtle mentions are better than strong tactics, since the latter can turn off an audience and negatively affect your lead generation efforts.
2. Spend Time Establishing a Strong Presence – Building a quality network takes time and effort, so focus on long-term growth rather than instant results. Also, be prepared to supply an ongoing stream of quality content, since maintaining a presence is more difficult than establishing one.
3. Give Your Audience More of What They Like – Pay attention to the kind of content that is well received by readers and focus on producing more of it. By regularly monitoring your comments, clicks, and shares, it’s simple to spot the patterns of popularity.
4. Keep Experimenting and Learning – Avoid the comfort trap and continue to test new kinds of content, different calls-to-action, and various writing styles. You never know what will produce even greater results than before.
To learn more about the impact of social media on lead generation, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797.
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Our core capabilities include print advertising, branding, logo design, creative, digital marketing, media planning and buying, TV and radio advertising, customer relationship management, inbound marketing programs, public relations, Web design and development, email marketing, social media marketing, infographic design, and SEO. View MDG’s creative marketing portfolio.
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