How to Use Online Video to Win Business and Wow Customers

Businesses are finally catching on to the promotional power of online videos and using them to gain a competitive edge and more contemporary image. After all, Web videos and video infographics are attention-grabbing and visually stimulating formats. They allow viewers to retain information more easily than basic text or images because the human brain is much more capable of processing large amounts of information shown through a mixture of images, movement, and sound than through any of those elements on their own. Web videos present an ideal combination of those powerful elements in a highly engaging way that makes the video’s marketing message much more likely to be remembered by viewers, repeated to others, and recalled during the purchasing process. offered some tips and techniques to help businesses create Web videos that get people buzzing, buying, and believing in the brand.
Web videos have become so popular because people simply love to be entertained. When a business can create an online video with real entertainment value, the company can convey its marketing message in a way that strongly resonates and is easily retained by viewers. As a result, Web videos can have a major influence on buying decisions. No wonder video results appear in around 70 percent of the top 100 search result listings, according to Searchmetrics.
When a company decides to create a Web video, the first step is planning. It’s critical to consider the type of content that would interest the target audience. Just as important is to avoid using the video as a sales pitch, but rather as a vehicle to convey the value and benefits of the product in a way that interests, entertains, and connects with the viewer.
If the company is new to online videos, it’s helpful to bring in a professional writer and production company to make sure that the finished product is worth the time and money involved. If the business has access to an advanced design team, those professionals often have the tools needed to create high-end online videos with state-of-the-art effects. Regardless of whether the talent is outsourced or in-house, be sure to assemble the most creative people to ensure that the video is as powerful and polished as possible.
To achieve maximum engagement with a Web video, be direct and honest in an entertaining way while staying away from sales-type gimmicks, corporate jargon, and long explanations. Keep the video lively and short, but make sure to include a call to action that encourages both purchase of the product and sharing of the video. Finally, it’s essential to optimize for search since the abundance of videos on the Web makes it necessary to use sound meta-data that lets the Web video rise in the search rankings.
When all of these factors are included in the planning and production of an online video, there’s no limit to the reach, response, and results it can achieve or just how much buzz it can bring to the brand.
To incorporate creative online videos into your digital marketing strategy, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797 or visit
MDG, with offices in Boca Raton, FL and New York, NY, is a full-service advertising agency and one of Florida’s leading digital marketing companies. MDG specializes in developing integrated marketing strategies, exceptional creative executions, and solid branding and media-buying strategies that give clients a competitive advantage. Our core capabilities include award-winning print advertising, branding, logo design, creative, digital marketing, media planning and buying, radio and TV advertising, online video development, video infographic development, Web design and development, email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO. To stay on top of the latest trends in online video, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797, visit, or view some of MDG’s creative videos.