How Facebook Credits Work in Hospitality Marketing

Companies seeking additional revenue from their social media efforts are finding an exciting option in Facebook Credits. This is a new revenue stream that leverages the popularity of online gaming by allowing participants to use their Facebook Credits as virtual money to get involved in various online games. explained how the hotel industry can easily get in the game.
The online gaming industry has become a moneymaking powerhouse that attracts millions of people who “spend” virtual money each day. Facebook has adapted this concept for social media by creating Facebook Credits. People must first purchase Facebook Credits with actual money through a credit card or PayPal, but then they can use these virtual dollars on anything, from viewing exclusive videos to voting in fun contests.
Now, the hospitality industry is playing the game by creating special online deals that can only be purchased with Facebook Credits, such as hotel packages or special upgrades, as well as using them as loyalty rewards. The partnership appears to be a win-win for everyone. Facebook users crave the exclusivity and travel savings, while hotels love the fresh stream of revenue.
For hotels new to Facebook Credits, there are numerous ways to incorporate these into hospitality marketing. The easiest is for hotels to develop deals on Facebook and promote the opportunity to purchase the deals in advance. Another way is to use these Facebook Credits as rewards for top customers or those who complete online satisfaction surveys. Facebook Credits can also be used to reward guests who tweet about the hotel or refer family and friends.
With so many travelers now ready to return to the travel they gave up during the recession, Facebook Credits can help socially savvy hotels get ahead of the competition by staying ahead of the curve.
To learn how to incorporate Facebook Credits into your hotel’s marketing, contact MDG at 561-338-7797 or visit