15 Healthcare Twitter Hashtags You Should Follow

Hashtags are incredibly useful on Twitter, where these links initiate and advance online dialogues by helping users find the top trending topics and provide additional information within the context of conversations. Unfortunately, some users don’t understand the true purpose of hashtags, especially those in the healthcare industry who are just discovering the professional and promotional value of social media in healthcare marketing. To help healthcare brands and marketers get a grasp of proper hashtag handling on Twitter, MedCityNews.com provided the following 15 hashtags featuring the latest news and views on healthcare.
Healthcare marketers will want to check out #hcsm, an extremely popular hashtag about healthcare social media. It features useful weekly chats with valuable insight about the most important healthcare happenings.
For those focused on mobile messaging, look no further than #mhealth, #healthapps and #digitalhealth. Mobile has become increasingly important in consumer communications and many consider it to be the future of the industry.
The subject of healthcare information technology is featured on #hit, #healthit and #ehr. Twitter users discuss a range of timely topics, such as telemedicine and cloud computing.
Issues about healthcare as a whole are the basis of tweets on #medtech, #pharma, #biotech and #meddevice. These links cover what’s current in regard to medical devices and pharmaceuticals. General medical education is featured on #meded, while patient safety is discussed on #ptsafety, industry reform is debated on #hcr, and healthcare advances are tweeted on #healthinnovations.
To learn how to incorporate Twitter into your healthcare marketing, contact MDG today at 561-338-7797, or visit www.mdgsolutions.com.
At MDG, our 360° marketing approach uses just the right mix of traditional and online media to reach your healthcare marketing goals. While some industries may fare better on TV and others online, we strive to create a balanced approach where digital and traditional marketing efforts support each other and your message is tailored to the medium.
Read more at MedCityNews.com.